Empowering VET teachers Newsletter 1

"Empowering VET Teachers" Newsletter №1 could be downloaded from here!


CIT4VET First steps

Cit4VET logoKick-off meeting
The meeting was held in Paderborn, Germany on 26 and 27 January 2019. After the presentation of the project, the partners agreed on intellectual outputs, discussed and approved the project management and assigned specific tasks for dissemination and evaluation.

Goodbye VALITS project!

VALITS contrubuted in two years time to change the perspectives and perceptions of hundreds of seasonal workers by involving them in hands-on activities, providing them tools to recognise their transversal skills and making them more competitive on the labour market.

VALITS Press release 4 - November 2018

valitsPress-release №4 could be downloaded from here!


First E-VET project meeting

On November 12th and 13th, 2018 at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz was held the first project meeting. The project “ Empowering VET Teachers – Innovative & Enhanced CPD for Newly Qualified VET Teachers Working with Migrant Students” is an innovative and transnational undertaking that contributes to overall objectives of Europe 2020 in which it has been identified that VET systems should be attractive and inclusive with highly qualified VET teachers equipping learners with both key competences and specific vocational skills. VET teachers act as social agents contributing to the development of the skilled workforce that is crucial for the EU to compete globally, foster social inclusion and sustain its high living standards.

Newsletter №4

Newsletter №4 could be downloaded from here!


Official start of CIT4VET project

Cit4VET logoIntercultural competencies in today’s reality are a major key competence, also due to the significant growth in migration and the movements of people across countries. Nonetheless intercultural competence development is not yet prevalent in key education pathways. This is particularly true when it comes to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector and VET trainers in particular.

CIT4VET – Open Online Catalogue of Intercultural Tools for Vocational Education and Training, – addresses this need for intercultural competences in VET education. The project – sustained by a consortium of partners from Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands and Poland – helps to improve and enhance the ability of VET Trainers to provide intercultural training by offering:

Testing transversal skills

Do you want to test your transversal skills?
Or to receive professional career guidance?
You can do it here for free: