


Name: Building Inclusion through New Learning Methodology

In 2016 the European Commission has adopted a New Skills Agenda for Europe which aims to ensure that people develop a broad set of hard and soft skills from early on in life, necessary for the jobs of today and tomorrow. While hard skills are clearly defined and measured, soft skills will be essential to boost employability, competitiveness and growth across the EU. That is why the modern educational programs and school curricula should focus on developing critical thinking and analytical reasoning as a part of the XXI century literacy skills. It is worth pointing that the new curricula put challenges to both students and teachers. The teachers are not well empowered with new knowledge and skills how to respond to the new requirements and the students face difficulties in achieving them. That is why it is of crucial importance to seek new ways of teaching and innovative methods for making education attractive, accessible, understandable and inclusive. This will reduce the rate of ESL and will better prepare the students for the labour market.

The main aim of the project is to elaborate innovative methodology and open educational resources (OERs) for mental arithmetic using Abacus (a board for calculating used since V c.). With them trainers will facilitate students’ personal and academic achievements due to the development of concentration, photographic and muscular memory, creative and analytical thinking.

  1. Methodology for Mental Arithmetic - will include the methodological support and guidelines for trainers of using Abacus as a tool for mental arithmetic, to facilitate intellectual development of students which will result in students’ encouragement and motivation. MMA will include useful approaches, techniques and good-practices used by trainers when working with their students. The MMA will be developed for three age groups – 6-7 years old; 8-16 years old and 16+ years old having in mind the age peculiarity of each group.
  2. Repository with exercises, tools and evaluation materials for mental arithmetic - will contain several key elements – set of methods, box with materials, set of instructions.
  3. Abacus Portal with Generator of Exercises - core function will be to create (generate) practically unlimited variety of exercises in real-time. Will perform a multi-layer storage of results so that the users will be able to get advantage of the exercises and not only practice to fulfill their free time.


Number: N°: 2018-1-BG01-KA201-047974

Programme: ERASMUS+; KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic Partnerships for School Education

Period:  01.10.2018 – 30.09.2020

Partners: Know and Can Association, Bulgaria;



Bolu Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey;

Mental Arithmetic Europe – Bulgaria, Bulgaria;






BI-NEW- final partner meeting


The final partnership meeting of the project took place online on September 10, 2020.


BI-NEW Website

BI NEW LogoHave you seen the website of BI-NEW project?


Bi New Repository of exercises hand in hand with tangible programming in Chepelare

BI NEW Logo From 20 to 31 July 2020 in the Center for Professional and Personal Development in the Municipal Children's Complex in Chepelare was held a training of children from preschool age to 5th grade.


Bulgarian BI-NEW multiplier event

BI NEW LogoThe multiplier event to promote the Bi New project was held on July 10, 2020 in the Europe Hall of the Ramada Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria. Following the epidemiological measures imposed restrictions on the total number of participants. Due to the size of the hall, some of the applicants could not attend, but we believe that the presentation to more than 50 people from all over the country and one from abroad is a good indicator.

Training in Bulgaria

BI NEW LogoFrom the 26th to the 28th of June 2020 in the office of the Association at 6 Racho Dimchev Street was held the training in mental arithmetic first level CLEVER. The training was conducted in compliance with all epidemiological measures, which limited the number of participants to 12. 11 of them were from formal education, teachers with different profiles and from different stages of education, as well as with different subjects taught and 1 representative of non-formal education.

Instead of the last Bi-NEW partnership meeting

BI NEW LogoThe project partnership meeting scheduled for the end of May in Italy has been replaced by an online one for obvious reasons, which does not mean, however, that it will not take place at all. Time will tell if there will be a possibility for such by the end of the project.

During the meeting were discussed all the details of the project, both already completed and forthcoming, for the implementation of which possible problems may arise only in the Multiplier events for dissemination of results, due to the different severity of the bans in different countries.

BI-NEW was announced for a best-practice project

BI NEW LogoWe are happy to annnounce that BI-NEW project was selected as a best practice and presented at the Erasmus+ Informational Day


BI-NEW Newsletter #3

BI NEW LogoBi-NEW Newsletter №3 could be downloaded from here!
