UP2B- Multiplier Event

logo up2b 03bco 244x122We are happy to announce that the project Multiplier event took place on October 28th in Ramada Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria.

The Bulgarian multiplier event was attended by 23 people – representatives of the project target group from 9 cities from the whole country. The participants’ profile was various – teachers and trainers in formal education system; school administration staff; representatives of NGOs or other educational centers; youth workers; etc.
The participants were invited to attend in the event mainly via emails or phone calls and were selected from the wide school contact network of Know and Can Association and also the contact database created at the beginning of the project.
The multiplier event started with registration of the participants. The opening session was dedicated to the presentation of Know and Can Association and the other organisations forming the project partnership. A certain amount of time was also devoted to short presentation of the Erasmus+ programme, its aims and the opportunities it offers for everyone. After that followed a general presentation of UP2B project. The presentation topics were: aims and objectives of the project; aimed target groups, activities undertaken in the last three years; challenges met; description of the main project results and their usefulness for the target groups.
After a short break, the event continued with more in-depth presentations of all of the the project intellectual outputs.
The main session of the event was dedicated to deepening the experience of the participants with the UP2B products by more detailed presentation of their purpose and contents, and most importantly their applicability. For more effective work, practical workshops were organized, during which each participant had the opportunity to familiarize with the products and test some activities. After the presentations there was time for discussions and questions on the possibilities of applicability of the developed contents, adaptations towards the national and local realities.
The participants were shown how they can register in the networking platform and teaching tools repository IO1 ‘School & Job’ Community of Practice (CoP) and Active Repository of Teaching Tool. This was followed by presentation of the contents and professions included in IO2- ‘School & Job’ Matching Handbook. The participants were invited to openly discuss and think of additional professions or subjects that can be included in the Handbook for making it even more comprehensive and useful.
After that some “pill” activities from IO3 'Boost Up your Class' - Citizenship & Job - Pills Activities were tested with the participants.
The multiplier event was closed after some discussions on the essence of bridging the gap between school education, European citizenship and labour market/business sphere in Bulgaria during which opinions and good practices were shared among the participants.
Know and Can Association has established a very good network of schools at local, regional and national level in Bulgaria and we are convinced that the project products will be very useful and used by teachers, students and other school staff. Most often teachers are overwhelmed with various tasks and responsibilities and they lack the time to search for extracurricular activities. The UP2B products will be of great help to them when designing their classes and increasing the motivation and interest of the students into the academic life and future professional realisation.

We would like to thank all of the participants for their interest and hard work.

Stay tuned for more news!