• E-MotiOn




    projectslogo.emotionName: EMO: E-MotiOn

    E-MotiOn project promotes inclusion, equal participation for all, and diversity in school education. Supporting students with fewer opportunities, those experiencing emotional and behavioral problems are one of the main target groups of the project’s activities. An inclusive approach for all students will be promoted, as teachers find it particularly difficult to connect with students, exposed to social exclusion, and the school and classroom climate can be damaged by their behaviour. Thus, an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy will support participants with fewer opportunities and help to address the obstacles they are facing and contribute to more inclusive and diverse education across Europe.

    - E-MotiOn Creative Activities KIT

    - E-MotiOn Sharing and Promoting activities



    Programme:Erasmus+, KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education

    Duration:01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024

    Partners: 84 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VASIL LEVSKI- Bulgaria, Know and Can- Bulgaria, GROWTH COOP- Spain, CARLOS V SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA DE ENSEÑANZA- Spain, CENTRUL PENTRU PROMOVAREA INVATARII PERMANENTE TIMISOARA ASOCIATIA- Romania, Liceul Teoretic Grigore Moisil Timisoara- Romania, Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje- Slovenia, OS MIHE PINTARJA TOLEDA- Slovenia;