Directed by You(th)- take part in a youth training!

projectslogo.directedbyloughtIf you are a young person, living in 🇧🇬 Bulgaria, we offer you and unique opportunity! You can take part in workshops that aim the acquisition of 📽️ film-making and graphic techniques.

Each workshop will start with identifying some problems through brainstorming and questionnaires. Later the training will continue with the explanation of 3️⃣ different techniques for film-making through content creation software. The training will take part at the beginning of July 2023 and in order to participate you need to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. And did we mention that the training is free of charge? All you need to do is enroll. We are waiting for you! join us now! You can find more info here:

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