CIT4VET First steps

Cit4VET logoKick-off meeting
The meeting was held in Paderborn, Germany on 26 and 27 January 2019. After the presentation of the project, the partners agreed on intellectual outputs, discussed and approved the project management and assigned specific tasks for dissemination and evaluation.


Sharing Knowledge
The Partners, using their knowledge and experience of IC websites and tools, are actively working on the Online Catalogue. Selecting the best ones to offer to VET trainers in an easy and organized way.

Partners activities
During these first 8 months of the project, partners are working in parallel on the database of intercultural tools, on the training materials about culture and the guide on how to develop simulations for intercultural training.
Within the database, the partners' activities are focused on the development of a grid of categories as well as searching for and analysing the tools. The search for tools involves desk and internet search during which partners research areas assigned to them according to methodology.
In parallel, the partners are working on the preparation of training materials and the guide for running intercultural training courses.