Training under COMP-Pass project

From 20th to 23th November 2017 in Sofia the first training for NEETs under the COMP-Pass project was held. It turned out that despite the numerous preliminary contacts, meetings and conversations for explaining the nature of the content and benefits of such training for the target group, very few of the previously confirmed participants came and attended the training. The training started with seven, but ended with 6 people. Some of them were from a minority ethnic group outside the capital living in small remote area.


After overcoming the initial surge and disturbance, the training went in ascending order. Already during the training, fulfilling the various assignments, almost all of the participants found in themselves hidden talents and opportunities for place themselves at the labor market. The online platform has generated interest in form and content, but has also raised interesting issues, mainly related to the availability of an employer database and real job opportunities. Various variants and ideas for the preparation of videos, techniques, possible scenarios, the use of ready-made animated applications were demonstrated.